Peter Hedman, Project Manager for Cleantech Kvarken shows Smart City Universitetsstaden at SEE Hållbarhetsveckan.
Universitetsstaden in Umeå will develop into an urban environment with new energy, environmental and IT solutions. During an exhibition at Hållbarhetsveckan, 10 organisers unveiled their plans to build Universitetsstaden.
At the exhibition, which took place at Universum on the 23rd September, a dozen organisers presented their thoughts and plans for building a socially, economically, and ecologically sustainable Universitetsstaden. The actual projects were visualised by all parties standing on a large map of Universitetsstaden.
– Collaboration is key when we take the next step in the development of Universitetsstaden, said Carina Aschan, Project manager of the EU Project Ruggedised. We have this exhibition to reach out to the public, where we as organisers will present our plans and have the opportunity to talk with and take suggestions from all visitors.
Universitetsstaden in Umeå covers the hospital and the university area, Lilljansberget and Uminova Science Park. 40 Million SEK of EU funds will be invested for it to become a ‘Smart City’, an urban environment where a wide range of partners will collaborate for sustainable and smart technologies and solutions.
– Universitetsstaden can develop into an exciting testing environment for new energy, environmental and IT solutions, which will be very interesting for companies and investors both nationally and internationally. It will create new and better opportunities for the development of our science park, says Peter Hedman, Project Manager for Cleantech Kvarken.
The exhibition was organised by Umeå University, Akademiska Hus AB, Umeå Kommun, Umeå Energi AB Pdf, 502.1 kB, opens in new window., Upab, Vakin, Skanska AB, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Cleaner Growth
External link, opens in new window. and Västerbotten County Council.
Link to SEE Hållbarhetsveckan-> External link, opens in new window.