Landfill in Umeå
The British newspaper The Independent recently published a long article about how ground breaking Swedish waste management is. "Sweden's recycling is so revolutionary, the country has to import rubbish from other countries to keep its recycling plants going." they write.
The article compares how Sweden and the UK are taking care of their household waste. This document points out that less than 1% of Sweden's household waste end up in landfills annually (since 2011). A lot of material is recycled and the remaining energy is recovered in the combustion plants that generate both electricity and district heating/cooling. Britain, according to The Independent takes a different approach; they avoid costly disposal fees by sending their waste for example, to Sweden. The article includes an interesting interview with Anna-Carin Gripwall from Avfall Sverige as well as exciting facts about how Sweden has become so good at waste management.
-Vakin, the municipal water- and waste company in Umeå, has more than 10 years of experience to meet the international markets with major waste problems that are difficult to solve. For example, we worked with Xian in China, which has now begun to use techniques that we taught them. To reach out to more countries with the same problem, we must become better at packaging our solutions and we must face the international arena in order to transfer our expertise, says Tomas Blomqvist CEO of Vakin.
Link to original article -> External link, opens in new window.