The project Cleantech Kvarken is represented at the conference “Baltic Sea Surrounded Smart Energy Solutions: Source for Economic Growth” November 23-24th 2017 in Ösel, Estonia.
Through the cooperation with Western Estonia, five people from the companies and organizations in the Cleantech Kvarken project were invited as speakers to “Baltic Sea Sourrounded Smart Energy Solutions: Source for Economic Growth”, November 23-24th in Ösel, Estonia.
Estonian television interviewed Johan Wasberg from Merinova/Cleantech Kvarken at the conference “Baltic Sea Surrounded Smart Energy Solutions: Source for Economic Growth” November 23-24th in Ösel, Estonia.
Johanna Fräki, Innovation Director at Wärtsilä Marine Solutions, presented "Visions of Future Shipping", Johan Wasberg from Merinova presented “Latest Developments in the Nordics Across Energy Business Segments”, Magnus Matisons from BioFuel Region presented “Bio-Economy Solutions in North-East Sweden, Transferable to Baltic Countries”, Krish Sankaran from VEBIC Vaasa presented “Challenges in Energy Research” and Dick Kronman, Head of Grid Automation Center of Excellence at ABB Vaasa presented “Smart Grids”.
The company Baltic Workboats, which makes e.g. motor and electric ferries, have their own wind turbines next to their factory in Ösel.
The conference attracted hundreds of participants who also had the possibility to visit the companies Baltic Workboats, Ouman and the wind power company Eleon. In addition, representatives from Cleantech Kvarken visited the company InCap.