The Finnish company Pöyry has opened an office for hydropower and consultancy in Santiago, Chile. Patrick Furrer, Country Manager for Hydropower and Renewable Energy, is the manager of the office which functions as a hub for Pöyry’s global business within hydropower and renewable energy in Chile, but also for other divisions such as thermic energy, mining & metal and cellulose and paper. In the picture is Patrik Furrer together with Triinu Varblane from Technology Center Merinova/Cleantech Kvarken.
Chile is investing in a new infrastructure, primarily in the big sectors: mining, transport, energy, wood processing and salmon farming.
Chile is the world leading producer of copper with 30 % of the global production. There are very good conditions in the energy sector for sun, wind and marine energy and biomass and energy from waste. This gives excellent business opportunities for cleantech companies.
For more information please contact Triinu Varblane at Merinova.