Mauritz Knuts at the EnergyWeek 2017
The cross-border project, Cleantech Kvarken’s last year has begun. The goal of the project is to strengthen the conditions for small and medium sized cleantech companies to do business at regional, national and international markets. There is a lot to do before it is ending in June, says Lasse Pohjala and continues:
EnergyWeek is approaching and we are organizing as we speak a comprehensive programme for different delegations. We are expecting groups from China, Norway and Denmark. In addition to EnergyWeek, the purpose of the delegations is the meet with the regional companies and therefore we are arranging group meetings with the companies of interest. For instance, the group from China are interested in Finnish expertise within electrical vehicles.
The Corporate Reception, which began in autumn 2017, was arranged again in Vaasa in the end of January. The companies participating at this meeting also met with the business developers and advisers in November to start the preparation for the transition to the Swedish market.
In the beginning of March, it is our turn to meet the Swedish companies in Västerbotten and Örnsköldsvik. In November we had meetings with eleven companies, which gave us the mission to investigate various aspects of the Finnish market. We have now evaluated contacts and possible collaboration partners.
On February 15th it is time for Women with Impact goes Finland in Vaasa. The theme of the seminar is the advantages of gender equality in business and for a successful region. Despite the name, men are also welcome.
Wapice in China, May 2017
In the project Cleantech Kvarken connections to China, mainly Beijing and Zhenjiang, has been made. It is still possible to participate in the China International Intelligent Building Exhibition, which is arranged in Beijing 12-14th of March 2018.
We have at our disposal an exhibition stand for six regional companies, both Swedish and Finnish Cleantech Kvarken companies. Like other events arranged in China in the project Cleantech Kvarken, the focus is on the pre-arranged business meetings, says Lasse Pohjala.
At the All-Energy-expo, spring 2016.
Projektet Cleantech Kvarken organiserar ytterligare en resa i början av maj, innan projektet avslutas, till All Energy-mässan External link, opens in new window. i Glasgow i Skottland. All Energy är ett ledande evenemang kring innovationer inom förnybar energi och låg kolhalt. Där presenteras den senaste tekniken och tjänsterna till energiförsörjningskedjan och till slutanvändarna inom både privata och offentliga sektorn.
– Cleantech Kvarken-projektet har en egen avdelning på mässan och vi har också skickat inbjudan till ett antal energiteknologiföretag från Finland och Sverige. Det finns fortfarande några lediga platser kvar, så gärna kontakta mig om du är intresserad av en mässresa till Skottland, säger projektchef Mauritz Knuts och fortsätter:
– Förutom att man på evenemanget presenterar regionens företag och dess innovationer, är avsikten även att knyta kontakter och utforska nya innovationer runt om i världen.
– Även projektets slutkonferens bör redan skrivas ner i kalendrarna. Den 26 april presenterar vi projektets resultat på Stadshuset i Örnsköldsvik, och även några av de över 150 företagen, som har varit involverade i projektet, kommer att presentera fördelar som de har uppnått genom projektet, avslutar Pohjala.
Cleantech Kvarken is also arranging a trip in the beginning of May to the All Energy exhibition in Glasgow, Scotland. All Energy is the leading event in innovations in renewable energy and low carbon emissions. The latest technology and services in the energy supply chain are presented there.
- Cleantech Kvarken has its own section at the exhibition and we are also inviting energy technology companies from Finland and Sweden. There are still openings so contact me if you are interested of going to Scotland, says project manager Mauritz Knuts and continues:
- Apart from being able to present the regional companies and their innovations, the purpose is also to make new connections and explore new innovations around the world.
- The projects final conference should also be added to your calendars. 26th of April we are presenting the results of the project in the City Hall in Örnsköldsvik, where some of the 150 companies involved in the project will present the advantages achieved through the project, Pohjala concludes.
För mer information kontakta:
Lasse Pohjala
Senior Business Advisor
+358 400 629 388
Establishment and internationalisation services; Business and industrial properties
Mauritz Knuts
+358 50 306 8419
Energy efficient construction, VTT agent