Speakers from the left: Gender Photograper Tomas Gunnarsson, PhD student in computer science and telecommunication Shaima Abdelmageed, development director of Vaasa Susanna Slotte-Kock, motivation and communication expert Antoni Lacinai who also was the moderator, former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Margareta Winberg and representative from Wärtsilä Marica Lassus.
Twenty people would have been enough for the organizers, but the room was filled when the Women's Impact goes Finland opened the doors in Vaasa February 15, 2018. Previously, Women with Impact has been a success in Skellefteå and Umeå through North Sweden Cleantech who founded the concept.
-"We thought it would be a small event with 10-20 people in Vaasa, but received over 240 registrations and had to switch to a larger venue. Interest really surprises us all” says the initiator and enthusiast behind the event,Triinu Varblane, international business developer at Merinova Technology Center in Vaasa. She sees the theme of the day as a start to something bigger. "I am so incredibly pleased that so many wanted to be here today, this is something we need to do again," says Varblane, and hints that another seminar will take place within a year. Speakers at the event was former Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden Margareta Winberg, Genus Photographer Tomas Gunnarsson, Motivational and Communication Expert Antoni Lacinai, who also served as moderator, Wärtsilä's representative Marica Lassus, and PhD student in computer science and telecommunications Shaima Abdelmageed.
Carina Kekäle and Agneta Udd-Saarela were two of the many participants. They comment on the event as follows:
"I thought the event was very interesting with interesting and varied speakers who treated the subject from such different angles. Genus photographer Tomas Gunnarsson really opened the audience's eyes and that's exactly what we need! The subject is very familiar to me, has worked with it before, but we get used to what is around us. Moderator Antoni Lacinai again treated the subject concrete with good examples from everyday life. As an educator, I think it is very important that we highlight and discuss the topic".
- Carina Kekäle, educator at the Professional Academy in Ostrobothnia.
Some of the participants during ”Women with Impact goes Finland” in Vaasa 15.02.2018.
"A very welcome event, especially when we have discussed how energy clusters include the subject in their work. First grade speakers, rewarding discussions, good arrangements - a positive event in every way. The genus footgraph Tomas Gunnarsson was superb with his descriptive pictures and educational arrangements. He showed how women and men in the same positions and the same occupations are exposed, in general, his presentation described how the sexes in society are produced. Margareta Winberg, a pioneer in gender equality issues from Sweden, fascinated with her work and life experience. Summarizing it was a different event that had arranged top class lecturers to Vaasa and attracted audience from all over the region. Lovely to arrange this in Vasa! "
- Agneta Udd-Saarela, Secretary-General, Swedish Women's Association
Women with impact goes Finland" in Vaasa is organized by Cleantech Kvarken and Viexpo in cooperation with Hanken, Vaasa city, Österbotten federation, Region Västerbotten and North Sweden Cleantech. The Interreg Botnia-Atlantica program, which emphasizes gender equality, is the main financier of the Cleantech Kvarken project. If you are interested in knowing more about the event, there are links below.
Do not hesitate to contact us at Cleantech Kvarken if you want to cooperate with us in the future about gender issues!
Before the event ”Women with Impact goes Finland”, Triinu Varblane, team member in the project Cleantech Kvarken. Photo: Yle/Anna Kurtén
Articles about the event:
VAASAN IKKUNA External link, opens in new window.
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